I Tried the Internet-Famous 3-Ingredient Mac and Cheese (and I Get Why It’s So Popular) The Kitchn - Amelia Rampe.Someone I met in Palermo once told me that the secret of good Italian dishes is 'esagera' - put more of everything in - and so it is with this mac & cheese recipe.While this isn’t exactly the “crunchy taco hamburger helper” because I skipped adding the tortilla chips on top, the ooey gooey meat and cheese sauce is still the same and with just a few ingredients! Cheesy Taco Pasta is my nod to the hamburger helper I grew up eating as a kid.2 Add flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and cocoa to a large bowl. Directions 1 Preheat oven to 350˚F (175˚C).